Health and Wellness Pools
The growing trend in aquatic therapy has created a tremendous growth of health centers utilizing saunas, whirlpool baths and indoor pools. These high-moisture environments require dehumidification to control humidity for patient comfort and to protect the enclosure from the corrosive effects of condensation.
The difference between light commercial pools is that water and space temperatures in therapy pools are generally higher. With temperatures ranging around 90°F, evaporation rates are much greater than a commercial pool with temperatures ranging around 83°F. Additionally, health and therapy centers include spas and special health pools that further increase the rate of dehumidification.
Managing the high relative humidity is very critical in these operations because it makes breathing more difficult, resulting in occupant discomfort. Moreover, respiratory ailments such as swimmers lung is a health hazard for therapy workers.
The ComPak® dehumidification system is ideal for high moisture applications. Despite its smaller size, ComPak® will effectively manage a desirable humidity level of 60%RH even at the higher evaporation rates. The ComPak® recycles energy back to the space/water reducing the need for auxiliary heating saving thousands of dollars yearly.