Everything Engineers, Contractors, and Owners Need to Know to Create the Optimal Indoor Pool Environment.

Ralph Kittler, P. Eng.
The creation of this Natatorium Design Guide has been a collaboration between the sales, service, and engineering teams of three of the industry’s most respected dehumidifier brands, led by Ralph Kittler. Quite simply, nobody in the industry has better credentials than Ralph to create all of our natatorium design educational materials.
In addition to being a founding partner of one of Dehumidified Air Solutions’ manufacturers, he is also currently chairman of the CDC’s Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code (CMAHC) ad hoc committee on indoor air quality. The committee’s mandate is to identify and assess the factors affecting air quality at indoor aquatic facilities and develop revisions to the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) to better address ventilation/air quality design and operational criteria.
Ralph was an ASHRAE “Distinguished Lecturer” on indoor pool design for 12 years and sits on two technical committees: TC 8.10 “Mechanical Dehumidifiers and Related Equipment” and TC 9.8 “Large Building Air Conditioning Applications.” He is the primary revisor on two ASHRAE Handbook chapters and helped create the new “Indoor Pool Design” chapter (Applications 2019 Chapter 25).